Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Words of the day

Jerry’s belief that there was a real cookie monster is a paradox.

The sovereign Principle made the kids go to school on the weekend.

Sarah’s commission for the party, caused it to be a disaster.

The resolution of the basketball game was the Skagway panthers winning with a small margin.

The malefaction done by Trent was so horrendous he could not be forgiven.

Above, the firmament was turning dark grey, a sign that something bad was about to happen.

The tedious speech about wall sockets just dragged on for hours.

Ian is the most pestilent boy I have ever met.

Sally’s pious actions caused her to be at the church all day.

I like sitting on the beach and watching the waves crash against the huge promontory.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hamlet 2.2

1.) Claudius sent for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

2.) He has sent on them to spy on Hamlet

3.) Voltimand and Cornelius bring back news that the king of Norway found out what Fortinbras was doing and told him not to attack Denmark

4.) Norway asks for permission to pass through Denmark on their march to Poland

5.) He’s telling them to listen to him though he rarely listens to himself

6.) Polonius’s plan is for him and Claudius to hid behind an arras when Hamlet is with Ophelia and see if he is really in love with Ophelia

7.) Hamlet calls Polonius a fishmonger or a pimp because Polonius uses his daughter to get further in life

8.) Polonius says that madness gets the point across while sanity would not as well

9.) To Hamlet Denmark is corrupt

10.) He tells them that he has now realized people are nothing more than dust

11.) The players are traveling now because a younger crew has become more popular in the cities so they are traveling to find work

12.) He lets them know that he knows what’s going on and knows the purpose that the king and queen have sent from them

13.) It is an allusion to Jephthah in the bible who sacrifies his daughter out of selfishness, trying to get a higher ranking

14.) Like Pyrrhus we wants to avenge his fathers death. Hamlet is unlike Pyrrhus because of the way they are going about getting their revenge is different. And Pyrrhus is actually in a war while Hamlet is not yet.

15.) Hamlet asks the players if they can perform the Murder of Gonzago and if he can write a couple lines that could be added to the play

16.) He exclaims this because the actor can cry and feel sorry for a made up character when Hamlet just feels empty inside

17.) His plan is that by adding in these lines to the play it with break his uncle down causing him to confess about old king hamlet

18.) One, Hamlet wants to know whether or not the ghost is the devil and two he needs this evidence so people will believe him

19.) Polonius spies on Ophelia and Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern spy on Hamlet

20.) Hamlet is rude and sad but gets excited for plays. He is clever and some how seems to know everything that is going on.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hamlet Notes- Act 2.2

Polonius starts questioning Hamlet as a way to spy on him.

Hamlet calls Polonius a fishmonger which is a metaphor for pimp.

Hamlet says, "To be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand." This relates to the theme of humanity and corruption, because it's pathetic that there are very few who are actually honest. Such as Hamlet and Horatio.

Hamlet says, "if the sun breeding maggots in a dead dog and being a good kissing carrion." He is talking about how the sun can bring about good and bad things, and how Ophelia is like the dead dog, allowing the maggots, or the men who control her such as Hamlet, Polonius, and Laertes, to feed off of her.

Hamlet makes fun of Polonius in lines 195-222.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are of middle class.

Fortune is a prostitute, you can't rely on it.

Rosencrantz says, "but the world's grown honest." This reinforces the idea of lying, because the world isn't a very honest place.

In lines 245-247 Hamlet talks about how anything that happens is neutral, but it's how you think about it, is what it appears to be. This is important for the book because it makes you think about anything that happens and look at both sides instead of siding with the side that is told.

We learn that Hamlet is having bad dreams about his dad's ghost. The idea of dreaming.

In lines 259-261 Hamlet talks about how heroes wouldn't be who they are if it weren't for the lesser people, such as beggers, who worship, or praise them. More specifically how the shadows of common people make the king.. This could suggest that Hamlet is going to do something to Claudius because he is supposed to "look up to him", but he doesn't, so he is going to bring him down. Without his support, Claudius will fall. Just like a hero would without believers. He wouldn't exist. (in later lines, 268, Hamlet refers to himself as a beggar)

In Hamlet's monolog, He talks about how he has stopped having fun and everything feels dull in his life. There is a metaphor when he points to the canopy and says it sends him bad feelings, but he is referring to when he saw his father and he informed him about his uncle. The theme of Humanity also shows up in his monolog when he says how human are perfect, how they are brilliant thinkers, swift in action, and how thy are able to understand so much, but he doesn't think they even come close. He compares them to dust. Which could mean that men are all dead in spirit and actions, because dust is made up of dead skin.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hamlet, Act 2 Scene 1

1) He is sending him to Paris.

2) To spy on Laertes.

3) He is supposed to go around Paris and ask people if they know Laertes, and if they do then make up some forgeries to see if they are true.

4) It shows that he likes to spy on people, and perhaps obsessive over his children.

5) That he is willing to dishonor his own child to find out what he has been up to.

6) She says he was pale, didn’t have his hat on, his jacket was undone, socks down to his ankles, and had a piteous look on his face.

7) He thinks that Hamlet’s grief is coming from him forbidding Ophelia from seeing him.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Act 1 scenes 3-4

1) He says she should be careful and shouldn’t fall for him because even though Hamlet might say he loves her, he has to do what’s best for the country, and that probably isn’t marrying her.

2) That Ophelia is like a flower in spring and Hamlet is like the worm, or the canker galls, and the worm destroys the flower before it blooms. This suggests that Hamlet

3) She says she will take his advice to heart, but she will still do what she wants. And she tells him not to be a hypocrite because she knows what he does in France with all the other girls.

4) 1- Listen to people and let them talk, but don’t say much in return. 2- don’t speak your thoughts, keep them in your head. 3- Be friendly enough, but don’t make yourself cheap. 4- Don’t shake hands (in friendship) with every young man. 5- Beware of entering a quarrel, but if you do enter in one, make others fear you.

5) He is saying that because she believes Hamlet loves her it makes her seem like a baby because she believes him. Also that because of her babyish actions, he looks like a fool.

6) A metaphor is when Polonius talks about the woodcock. He is relating it to Ophelia by saying if she keeps sneaking around with Hamlet she will be caught, because, like the woodcock, she is foolish and sets herself up to get caught easily.

7) He forbids her to see Hamlet.

8) He is talking about how other countries think Denmark is a drunk and foolish place, and that their drunkenness takes away from their achievements, and lessens their reputation. Then he goes on to compare it with how people can’t help that they are born with defects, and how one small defect in a person can bring them down. Also how a little show of evil can damage someone’s reputation.

9) He thinks the ghost could be a demon disguised as his father’s ghost, and that it might try to kill him if they are alone together.

10) He commands them not to repeat anything they saw or heard between him and the ghost.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hamlet's Vocabulary words

For a while I felt like I was being haunted by a ghost, and then one night when I walked into my room I saw an apparition and I knew it was true.

Johny’s calumnious remark towards the principle almost cost him his job.

The singing canon stated that all who are terrible singers are not allowed to sing.

The countenance on the young boy’s face suggested he was very sad.

Brandy’s discourse about smoking won her state in ddf.

The girl’s basketball game that was imminent was against their rivals, Yakutat.

The young boy put himself in a perilous situation when he climbed the tree and didn’t know how to get down.

While watching the basketball game, I noticed the star player’s portentous attitude, and it was a big turn off.

The prodigal man went into debt quickly.

We sullied the principle’s hopes of us being good students when he found us in the lunchroom that was drenched in water.